Sample Questions and Answers
03/26/2018 How to fall asleep in 2 minutes or less (see also Sleep)
03/16/2018 improving gut microbial balance
03/14/2018 Methanobrevibacter smithii and SIBO (see also Hydrogen)
03/05/2018 optimizing diet with Stiegler algorithm (also on FB, and under gut microbiome)
02/28/2018 Which microbiome test is better - by uBiome, Genova or Doctor's data? (also on FB, and under diet)
02/10/2018 How useful is organic acid analysis?
02/10/2018 Acetic acid test
01/21/2018 Taste like Abalone
01/20/2018 All of US Research Priorities
01/19/2018 the texture of cereal
01/04/2018 is it critical to have more or less salt in gargling water? (see also Salt)
01/02/2018 Indican test (see also Indican)
12/29/2017 new types of beer (see also Beer)
12/27/2017 Pulsatile tinnitus right after I went off Citalopram
12/22/2017 Why do some foods give heartburn?
12/15/2017 best surfaces for walking and running (see also Walking)
12/04/2017 proof that our disease really exists?
12/01/2017 how do I know if I have a head cold? (read more under Common Cold)
11/28/12017 instead of frying (see also recipes under Vegetables)
11/17/2017 Anti-shock Hiking Poles (see also discussion under joint pain)
11/17/2017 what does this ubiome result mean (see also discussion under gut microbiome)
11/10/2017 If we have faulty enzymes why didn't the symptoms show up before?
10/31/2017 vacuum filter vs dirt bin (see also discussion under air pollutants)
10/30/2017 dangers of lipstick
10/02/2017 Why do some people put on weight in different areas of their body to other people? (see also abdominal fat)
09/24/2017 citrobacter farmeri symptoms and treatments? (see also citrobacter species)
09/08/2017 spinach that can detect bombs (see also vegetables)
09/07/2017 smell of tool boxes (see also rancid butter odor)
09/06/2017 Why do we throw random medications at depression to see which will work? (see also depression)
09/03/2017 hardening of the arteries (see also cholesterol)
06/15/2017 higher levels of Histidine in NCT02683876
08/06/2017 zep commercial instant spot removal (see also cleaning solution)
08/05/2017 where does dust come from? (see also particulate matter)
07/29/2017 raw beer, kombucha, sauerkraut and kimchi (see also gut microbiome)
07/24/2017 best smartwatch for cycling?
07/18/2017 healthy eating out (see also food)
07/12/2017 spacial cognition (see also problem solving)
07/11/2017 overripe bananas (see also fruit)
07/09/2017 Statins and Antibiotics (see also statins)
07/07/2017 Athleisure (see also clothing)
06/27/2017 probiotics for confidence
06/26/2017 boosting confidence (see also confidence)
06/26/2017 Do you use creatine as a brain supplement?
06/20/2017 microbial therapies for heart disease? (see also S.elongatis)
06/19/2017 Putting Burdock leaves on knees, to heal the runner's knee? (see also Burdock)
06/9/2017 reducing dosage of blood thinners (see also Clopidogrel)
06/8/2017 Energy from food scraps (see also Mayonnaise)
06/7/2017 diet to prevent macular degeneration
06/5/2017 stuck light bulb
06/4/2017 What cosmetic probiotics do you recommend? (see also Probiotics)
06/3/2017 How does Entresto from commercial 'Tomorrow' works? (see also Entresto)
06/2/2017 How to heel a knee pain? (see also Joint pain)
05/30/2017 thiazide diuretics (see also Thiazide diuretics in the knowledge base)
05/27/2017 travel sickness
05/25/2017 berlipril or nebivolol? (see also Ace inhibitors)
05/25/2017 different types of protein powders (see also protein)
05/21/2017 Jackfruit allergies
05/20/2017 Mackerel and gout (see also Mackerel)
05/18/2017 best clothing to prevent body odor (see also clothing)
05/15/2017 Hip new diets? I'm in search for the new Kale. (see also Kale)
05/14/2017 Is it true there is fish in diet Pepsi? (see also Diet Drinks)
05/03/2017 headache from diuretics (see also Diuretics)
04/21/2017 why are we so sensitive to sugar? (see also Sugars)
04/21/2017 phototherapy (see also Photomodulation)
04/19/2017 Can hydrogen peroxide or tomato juice neutralize the smell of skunk spray? (see also Fecal Odor)
04/18/2017 metabolomics study (see also NCT02683876)
04/15/2017 Is it really worth it to replace carpets with wooden floors? (see also carpeting)
04/09/2017 why can't medicine be transparent?
04/08/2017 why can't i lose weight right away? (see also Weight loss)
04/06/2017 skin's bacterial 'balance' may play a major role in acne? (see also Acne)
04/01/2017 What food does not have Choline, Carnitine, Betaine, Ergothioneine and TMAO ?
04/01/2017 are there healthy viruses in human gut?
03/18/2017 can you build electronics that self-heals and self-feeds? (see also Electronics)
03/13/2017 Rare cancers: Steve McQueen, Steve Jobs (see also Asbestos)
03/10/2017 mushrooms: raw or cooked? (see also Mushrooms)
03/08/2017 why would blood pressure drop a lot at night? (see also Low Blood Pressure)
03/08/2017 Disinfectants as Emergency Deodorants (see also Lysol)
03/02/2017 Lysol was marketed as "feminine hygiene" in the past (see also Vagisil, Vaginal odor)
03/02/2017 chimpanzees have <0.01% body fat, but the leanest humans are 6-9% body fat (see also abdominal fat)
02/28/2017 how to chose butternut squash (see also winter squash)
02/27/2017 Unique odor 'appears before Alzheimer's disease sets in' (see also memory loss)
02/23/2017 are acai berries still considered a superfood? (see also Acai berries)
02/21/2017 why do neoprene suits keep us warm? (see also Neoprene)
02/18/2017 Are garlic and onions beneficial for our Microbiomes? (see also Garlic)
02/18/2017 larger difference between the two blood pressure numbers (see also Blood pressure)
02/14/2017 tainted cottage cheese (see also Nausea)
02/08/2017 why shouldn't I take antacids with food (see also Antacids)
02/03/2017 A question about bad breath (see also Bad Breath)
02/02/2017 Better alternatives to PPIs? (see also Proton Pump Inhibitors)
02/01/2017 what can you eat wasabi with except sushi? (see also Horseradish)
01/29/2017 are cheap and expensive brand name toothpastes really all that different? (see also Toothpaste)
01/27/2017 How hot is too hot?
01/25/2017 What makes music sound good or bad, happy or sad? (see also Music)
01/22/2017 Most uplifting songs
01/19/2017 Suggestions on how to block out noise? (see also Noise)
01/17/2017 How do you get rid of popcorn smell? (see also Popcorn)
01/14/2017 how often should I change filters in my vacuum to keep air clean? (see also air pollutants)
01/11/2017 How come alcohol triggers hunger? (see also ethanol)
01/07/2017 What are the benefits of triticum vulgare?
01/06/2017 top nutrition authorities change their guidelines on what is a healthy diet? (see also protein food group)
01/05/2017 what makes some foods upset your stomach? (see also indigestion)
01/04/2017 white foam when boiling pre-cooked black-eyed peas?
12/28/2016 what is that slime on mushrooms? (see also mushrooms)
12/24/2016 Should we be scared or excited about CRISPR? (see also gene therapy)
12/19/2016 what is the best over-the-counter diuretic?
12/16/2016 how does blood pressure depend on blood sugar? (see also blood pressure and glucose)
12/14/2016 new remedies for baldness? (see also hair shedding)
12/14/2016 side effects of proton pump inhibitors
12/10/2016 Foods that start from "French" (see also French Food)
12/03/2016 How do you serve nuts? (see also Nuts)
12/03/2016 smelling like meat or beer
12/01/2016 Power of X-rays (see also CT scan)
11/29/2016 night sweats (see also Epstein-Barr virus)
11/27/2016 Throat massage that can help to restore voice in some cases
11/26/2016 cancers caused by viral or bacterial infections (see also infection)
11/23/2016 wax buildup in ears ( (see also aural fullness)
11/20/2016 what do you do if renin is low?
11/20/2016 what if a drug that is supposed to help with something makes that something worse?
11/18/2016 Why Am I Groggy When I Sleep Too Much? (see also sleep)
11/16/2016 To get more juice from a lemon ...
11/14/2016 how do you act normal when speaking to new people? (see also Social Anxiety)
11/10/2016 What is better for cooking: butter or olive oil? (see also Olive Oil)
11/08/2016 is it cheaper to use low gas heat of high gas heat? (see also Gas stove)
11/05/2016 is beclomethasone same as betamethasone? (see also Corticosteroids)
11/02/2016 why do school kids smell like raw bacon? (see also Sweetish odor)
10/31/2016 why are pulled muscles so painful? (see also Pain)
10/28/2016 Why is Chinese food considered healthier than Western food? (see also Chinese Food)
10/27/2016 tingling in the nose after intense workouts (see also strength exercise)
10/23/2016 Can Sugar Cookie Sleigh Ride Holiday Herb Tea increase blood pressure? (see also Milk Thistle)
10/22/2016 what is the reason a guy smells like nail polish remover (see also Acetone, Ethyl Acetate)
10/21/2016 if olive oil is bitter, is it spoiled? (see also Olive oil)
10/19/2016 should I add seaweed to my diet to decrease gas? (see also Seaweed)
10/17/2016 Gut bacteria helps to recover from spinal injury
10/15/2016 Tinnitus fix (see also tinnitus)
10/14/2016 how to quickly lower blood sugar? (see also glucose)
10/13/2016 Is something wrong with my eyes if can't see things right in front of me? (see also visual impairment)
10/10/2016 Why is breathing uncomfortable when conscious of it? (see also Increased breathing)
10/05/2016 best diet for healing ulcers? (see also Gastrointestinal bleeding)
10/05/2016 why prescriptions for distance and reading glasses are so different? (see also Astigmatism)
10/04/2016 Why do we have recurring dreams? (see also Dreams)
09/29/2016 Growing your own food from seeds sold as food (see also seeds)
09/24/2016 chia seeds or flax? (see also seeds)
09/22/2016 is Acetonitrile a hybrid car pollutant?
09/21/2016 Can I split my sleep into chunks? (see also sleep)
09/20/2016 Is Resveratol overrated? (see also Resveratol)
09/16/2016 how do you focus on the task at hand when you have something on your mind? (see also problem solving)
09/14/2016 should I really walk 10K steps a day? (see also walking)
09/13/2016 how to check for anemia without blood draw? (see also hemoglobin)
09/07/2016 cabbage in salad package has black edges (see also cabbage)
09/08/2016 Does Enoxaparin increase blood pressure?
09/07/2016 why do you see strange patterns when you press your eyes? (see also eye pressure)
09/06/2016 smelling sweet from salads? (see also body odor)
09/03/2016 what is that chemical smell you get in your nose when sick? (see also chemical smell)
08/30/2016 are ground flax seeds better than whole? (see also seeds)
08/28/2016 why pain makes some people laugh others cry, moan or yell? (see also pain)
08/25/2016 Why is it so much easier to lose muscle than it is to gain it?
08/23/2016 Lucid dreaming
08/20/2016 Why do some smells stick to surfaces?
08/19/2016 Classic fecal odor
08/18/2016 How do people choose their favorite color? (see also mood)
08/18/2016 are posture wearables really helping?
08/17/2016 white foam on my pickles (see also pickles)
08/13/2016 why do i feel nauseous when I am hungry (see also nausea and feeling hungry)
08/11/2016 is Kañiwa healthier than other grains? (see also Kaniwa)
08/10/2016 tmau
08/09/2016 why do people smell funny after taking some supplements? (see also Body Mint, FOS)
08/06/2016 How does water get transported from the stomach/intestines to blood stream? (see also water)
08/04/2016 congested after whitening gel (see also teeth whitening)
08/02/2016 What's happening when you need to pop your ears? (see also aural fullness)
07/30/2016 Dietary Supplement Ingredients Can Make You Sick (see also dietary supplements)
07/28/2016 Does Lactobacillus reuteri make you fatter? (see also microbes that make us fat and thin)
07/26/2016 why would small amounts of kovaikai affect baby?
07/26/2016 best doctors rating sites internationally? teleconsultations?
07/23/2016 when is it OK to discontinue beta blockers? (see also beta blockers)
07/22/2016 why does organic food spoil faster? (see also organic food)
07/19/2016 fasting for 15 hrs before blood glucose test. Is Coffee or Tea OK? (see also Glucose)
07/18/2016 How can the brain generate such elaborate dreams? (see also Sleep)
07/17/2016 fish smells like acetone (see also Fish)
07/15/2016 asthma from childhood exposure to smog
07/12/2016 How bacteria smell
07/12/2016 can you microwave old glue? (see also Glue)
07/11/2016 banana chips smell like sweaty feet (see also Foot odor)
07/10/2016 can you still use Maple syrup if there are faint mold spots inside the bottle? (see also Maple syrup)
07/08/2016 what is above the abdomen called?
07/07/2016 why is resting heart rate (RHR) different for the four phases of menstrual cycle? (see also Menstruation)
07/03/2016 herbs for anemia? (see also Fenugreek)
07/03/2016 how to choose a watermelon? (see also Watermelon)
06/30/2016 ways to maximize problem solving abilities
06/29/2016 counting sperm at home
06/28/2016 Neck muscle fatigue
06/28/2016 favorite city
06/28/2016 How dangerous is to have hemoglobin at 10?
06/25/2016 Where to find SoBe drinks?
06/25/2016 why is it surprising that millennials hate noise? (see also noise)
06/24/2016 Can antibiotic wipes and soaps kill norovirus? (see also Norovirus)
06/23/2016 fitness tracking for different types of activities
06/20/2016 Is Eincorn safe for celiac disease?
06/19/2016 how to make a warm compress? (see also Compress)
06/18/2016 should I eat plum skins? (see also Plums)
06/18/2016 is animalis probiotic for animals?
06/17/2016 Grandma's recipe for washing dishes (see also Dishwasher Detergent)
06/15/2016 Acetic acid in sweat
06/14/2016 Time to replace my Kettle? (see also Metal cookware)
06/10/2016 best tasting food (see also Food)
06/10/2016 DMB to reduce odor
06/09/2016 salty poop
06/08/2016 Bacillus coagulans
06/05/2016 Why does smoked marijuana smell like skunk? (see also Burnt smell)
06/04/2016 Forest therapy
06/03/2016 why is mood so much affected by music, weather and time of day?
06/03/2016 Why do some people excel under pressure or when angry, and others perform worse?
06/02/2016 can oxytocin pills make me fall in love?
06/01/2016 why do I have tinnitus after eating fatty meals? (read more about tinnitus)
05/31/2016 why are people disturbed by low/high frequency sounds? (read more about sounds)
05/24/2016 plastic chicken
05/24/2016 supplements to lose weight but retain muscle (see also protein supplements)
05/21/2016 Why some never feel like eating and others're hungry all the time? (see also food cravings)
05/20/2016 How to help a friend who is becoming an alcoholic ? (see also alcohol cravings)
05/19/2016 you are what you wear (see also clothing)
05/16/2016 ingestible cosmetics (see also glowing skin)
05/16/2016 alternative drug for heart failure
05/15/2016 why do hackers and search engines want my medical data?
05/14/2016 what causes nausea after stenting?
05/10/2016 Are Sulfur-based Off-flavors in Wine related to pesticides? (see also wine)
05/08/2016 Diastolic and Systolic Blood pressure
05/05/2016 Flossing the Wrong Way
05/05/2016 Phantom cigarette smoke
05/04/2016 yawning to cool the brain
05/09/2016 Will genomics live up to all the hype?
04/29/2016 how to put in eye drops without spilling out (see also discussion under red eyes)
04/26/2016 having metal in your body
04/26/2016 Does citrobacter koseri cause chronic fatigue syndrome?
04/22/2016 Can I wash my eyes with a gentle skin cleanser? (see also red eyes)
04/20/2016 What do you think of this pain-zapping device? (see also abdominal pain)
04/16/2016 Why does it take more effort to walk slower than your normal pace?
04/15/2016 schizophrenia can make the sweat smell of vinegar (see also acidic smell)
04/14/2016 allergy or hypersensitivity to Perindopril (see also blood pressure drugs)
04/14/2016 very thirsty when stressed and anxious
04/13/2016 warning signs of a heart attack: a day or a month in advance?
04/09/2016 ammonia odor after epileptic seizure
04/08/2016 vinegar instead of lime in guacamole
04/08/2016 blood pressure medications without side effects (see also discussion under high blood pressure)
04/07/2016 Life without cavities and dentists (see also discussions under gums)
04/02/2016 What food is good for bacteroidetes?
04/01/2016 Healthiest tacos you ever eaten
03/31/2016 Lactobacillus gasseri vs acidophilus, Bifidobacterium longum vs bifidus
03/30/2016 yellow skin from too much pumpkin
03/27/2016 What yogurts contain Bifidobacterium adolescentis?
3/26/2016 how much exercise is too much? (see also discussion under viral infections)
3/26/2016 Why is it so difficult to share digital medical records?
03/25/2016 where can I buy Abiyuch?
03/25/2016 if eye pressure increases with constipation, how much can it increase when I am lifting weights?
03/24/2016 why smegma and semen smell differently
03/23/2016 Why do itches and infections travel around the body?
03/18/2016 one of the most expensive foods
03/18/2016 pills to measure temperature and activity (see more about physical activity)
03/15/2016 whiskey got smell of phenyl (see more about Whiskey)
03/10/2016 what causes a beer belly? (see also discussion under Jalapeno peppers)
03/08/2016 what foods to eat to have healthy mouth bacteria (see also gum abscess)
03/05/2016 probiotic-laiden food and drinks (check specific probiotics)
03/01/2016 ginger for better hair (more about hair shedding)
03/01/2016 How to dry Ginger and How to Cook Dried Ginger? (more about ginger)
02/29/2016 for more productivity and less procrastination, set a 20 minute timer (more about working)
02/26/2016 Why do we shake heads when we want to stay awake? (more about sleep)
02/24/2016 hobbies with a sense of purpose
02/24/2016 growing avocado from a seed
02/22/2016 choosing a citizen science project or a low-cost hobby
02/20/2016 How to make most of pineapple? (more about pineapples)
02/18/2016 Is Ace K safer than aspartame?
02/17/2016 Right/Left nostril breathing and blood glucose
02/16/2016 What does it mean if meat smells like wet dog?
02/16/2016 Dried cranberries or fresh cranberries? (more under cranberries)
02/14/2016 why does vanilla coconut milk taste like paper? (more about coconut milk)
02/08/2016 How do I know if my air is polluted? if toxic chemicals are sneaking into my body? (more under air)
02/04/2016 How do microbes get into pickles? (more under Pickles)
02/01/2016 Why do my cherry tomatoes burst when ripening?
01/31/2016 Annato could cause IBS but prevent cancer? (more under Annatto)
01/30/2016 Bad posture bad for your health (more under Poor posture)
01/28/2016 Can you poor oil down garbage disposal?
01/28/2016 Any tips for fructose intolerance? (see comments to Fructose)
01/23/2016 Why do I get headache when I am hungry?
01/23/2016 Insects as food (see more discussions under Food)
01/23/2016 How much chocolate should I eat? (see more discussions under Chocolate)
01/18/2016 Folding myself into sleep with good dreams (see also comments for Sleep)
01/18/2016 How to prevent cold/flu from happening?
01/14/2016 Mercury emissions down. is fish less polluted? (see also summary for Mercury)
01/13/2016 air bubble in my ear (see also summary for Aural Fullness)
01/13/2016 best soap or body wash to fight odor? (see also summary for body odor and Neutrogena body wash )
01/11/2016 how many roller coaster rides per day? (see also summary for Roller Coaster)
01/09/2016 gut bacteria and cancer (see also comments on bifidobacteria)
01/08/2016 rubber chicken (see also comments on chicken breast)
01/07/2016 eating food off the floor is now considered good for your microbiome
01/06/2016 radishes and barnyard smell (see also summaries for body odor and brettanomyces)
01/06/2016 How to increase lactobacillus in my microbiome?
01/04/2016 Where do I find old discussions and new updates about body odor? (see also comments for body odor)
01/02/2016 Black-eyed peas, lentils and other New Year's superstitions
01/01/2016 How are you doing so far with your 2016 resolutions?
12/31/2015 Why does cold begin with sore throat (see also summary for sore throat)
12/29/2015 How to maintain eye contact and how long is too long (see also summary for socializing)
12/27/2015 winter vomiting disease (see also norovirus summary)
12/24/2015 Are there any devices that tell me what I recently ate? (see also food entry)
12/23/2015 How to improve your problem solving skills? (see also problem solving summary)
12/21/2015 Which uric acid meter do you recommend?
12/19/2015 Would not Sarlacc's slow digestion cause enough discomfort?
12/14/2015 How do I know if I've been exposed to mold? what gets from the air into my body?
12/13/2015 what do old people smell like?
12/13/2015 Is it true that only psychotic, mentally imbalanced experience spontaneous orgasms?
12/13/2015 Where can I find information about health effects of spegazzinia mold?
12/13/2015 Does fodmap diet really work?
12/7/2015 Is powdered food healthy or harmful?
12/1/2015 Hacking body microbes
11/23/2015 Healing powers of Music
11/17/2015 How to make green tea less boring but still healthy?
11/15/2015 Best apples for apple pie? Digestion-friendly recipes?
11/10/2015 Humor as a diagnostic device
11/6/2015 wearable gadgets for safety as opposed to awkward intrusiveness
11/3/2015 How to measure an Aura?
10/27/2015 If I ate one small sausage today, how much did I increase my cancer risk?
10/24/2015 why does your stomach gurgle and rumble?
10/20/2015 Rethinking the Future of Food
10/18/2015 Is telemedicine really picking up?
10/14/2015 Harmful chemicals in personal care products
10/9/2015 Latest sports wearables
10/5/2015 Red tea - a tonic for high blood pressure or the killer?
10/2/2015 social aura
9/30/2015 steel cut oatmeal for IBS?
9/29/2015 Lactose Intolerance or Sensitivity? Can it be cured?
9/27/2015 obsessions and compulsions
9/25/2015 Are home cholesterol tests totally useless?
9/24/2015 Ringing in the ears and tech devices
9/23/2015 sore throat after eating greek style yogurt
9/22/2015 Probiotics for allergies
9/21/2015 The Air We Breathe Indoors is Becoming More Polluted. How to clean it up?
9/20/2015 What is happening in my body when I am running out of patience?
9/18/2015 Why these ants smell like blue cheese and rotting coconuts
9/18/2015 Best glucometers?
9/17/2015 Paxil no longer safe?
9/15/2015 Bacteria to smell good?
9/14/2015 Do we really NOT need wisdom teeth?
9/14/2015 Bubonic Plague cases on the rise, Are you afraid?
9/13/2015 Happy Grandparents day!
9/12/2015 What is your favorite breakfast?
9/12/2015 what to eat for breakfast yogurt or rice snaps?
9/12/2015 Herb Rhodiola rosea (golden root) protects against viruses
9/11/2015 The Germiest things you touch - airplane, stores, and other public places
9/11/2015 Unpeeled Apple a day: slows aging of your muscles (see also summary for Apple)
9/10/2015 Healthy real world wearable gaming
9/9/2015 How to ask a question as Anonymous?
9/8/2015 How do I know if my cramps are abnormal? If they are bad?
9/7/2015 stretching to prevent a Charley Horse ride (cramps/spasms)
9/6/2015 Rice: cheap and healthy
9/5/2015 Asparagus: stinky pee but healthy heart
9/5/2015 Is there a probiotic with Akkermansia muciniphila? (see also summary for Akkermansia)
03/26/2018 How to fall asleep in 2 minutes or less (see also Sleep)
03/16/2018 improving gut microbial balance
03/14/2018 Methanobrevibacter smithii and SIBO (see also Hydrogen)
03/05/2018 optimizing diet with Stiegler algorithm (also on FB, and under gut microbiome)
02/28/2018 Which microbiome test is better - by uBiome, Genova or Doctor's data? (also on FB, and under diet)
02/10/2018 How useful is organic acid analysis?
02/10/2018 Acetic acid test
01/21/2018 Taste like Abalone
01/20/2018 All of US Research Priorities
01/19/2018 the texture of cereal
01/04/2018 is it critical to have more or less salt in gargling water? (see also Salt)
01/02/2018 Indican test (see also Indican)
12/29/2017 new types of beer (see also Beer)
12/27/2017 Pulsatile tinnitus right after I went off Citalopram
12/22/2017 Why do some foods give heartburn?
12/15/2017 best surfaces for walking and running (see also Walking)
12/04/2017 proof that our disease really exists?
12/01/2017 how do I know if I have a head cold? (read more under Common Cold)
11/28/12017 instead of frying (see also recipes under Vegetables)
11/17/2017 Anti-shock Hiking Poles (see also discussion under joint pain)
11/17/2017 what does this ubiome result mean (see also discussion under gut microbiome)
11/10/2017 If we have faulty enzymes why didn't the symptoms show up before?
10/31/2017 vacuum filter vs dirt bin (see also discussion under air pollutants)
10/30/2017 dangers of lipstick
10/02/2017 Why do some people put on weight in different areas of their body to other people? (see also abdominal fat)
09/24/2017 citrobacter farmeri symptoms and treatments? (see also citrobacter species)
09/08/2017 spinach that can detect bombs (see also vegetables)
09/07/2017 smell of tool boxes (see also rancid butter odor)
09/06/2017 Why do we throw random medications at depression to see which will work? (see also depression)
09/03/2017 hardening of the arteries (see also cholesterol)
06/15/2017 higher levels of Histidine in NCT02683876
08/06/2017 zep commercial instant spot removal (see also cleaning solution)
08/05/2017 where does dust come from? (see also particulate matter)
07/29/2017 raw beer, kombucha, sauerkraut and kimchi (see also gut microbiome)
07/24/2017 best smartwatch for cycling?
07/18/2017 healthy eating out (see also food)
07/12/2017 spacial cognition (see also problem solving)
07/11/2017 overripe bananas (see also fruit)
07/09/2017 Statins and Antibiotics (see also statins)
07/07/2017 Athleisure (see also clothing)
06/27/2017 probiotics for confidence
06/26/2017 boosting confidence (see also confidence)
06/26/2017 Do you use creatine as a brain supplement?
06/20/2017 microbial therapies for heart disease? (see also S.elongatis)
06/19/2017 Putting Burdock leaves on knees, to heal the runner's knee? (see also Burdock)
06/9/2017 reducing dosage of blood thinners (see also Clopidogrel)
06/8/2017 Energy from food scraps (see also Mayonnaise)
06/7/2017 diet to prevent macular degeneration
06/5/2017 stuck light bulb
06/4/2017 What cosmetic probiotics do you recommend? (see also Probiotics)
06/3/2017 How does Entresto from commercial 'Tomorrow' works? (see also Entresto)
06/2/2017 How to heel a knee pain? (see also Joint pain)
05/30/2017 thiazide diuretics (see also Thiazide diuretics in the knowledge base)
05/27/2017 travel sickness
05/25/2017 berlipril or nebivolol? (see also Ace inhibitors)
05/25/2017 different types of protein powders (see also protein)
05/21/2017 Jackfruit allergies
05/20/2017 Mackerel and gout (see also Mackerel)
05/18/2017 best clothing to prevent body odor (see also clothing)
05/15/2017 Hip new diets? I'm in search for the new Kale. (see also Kale)
05/14/2017 Is it true there is fish in diet Pepsi? (see also Diet Drinks)
05/03/2017 headache from diuretics (see also Diuretics)
04/21/2017 why are we so sensitive to sugar? (see also Sugars)
04/21/2017 phototherapy (see also Photomodulation)
04/19/2017 Can hydrogen peroxide or tomato juice neutralize the smell of skunk spray? (see also Fecal Odor)
04/18/2017 metabolomics study (see also NCT02683876)
04/15/2017 Is it really worth it to replace carpets with wooden floors? (see also carpeting)
04/09/2017 why can't medicine be transparent?
04/08/2017 why can't i lose weight right away? (see also Weight loss)
04/06/2017 skin's bacterial 'balance' may play a major role in acne? (see also Acne)
04/01/2017 What food does not have Choline, Carnitine, Betaine, Ergothioneine and TMAO ?
04/01/2017 are there healthy viruses in human gut?
03/18/2017 can you build electronics that self-heals and self-feeds? (see also Electronics)
03/13/2017 Rare cancers: Steve McQueen, Steve Jobs (see also Asbestos)
03/10/2017 mushrooms: raw or cooked? (see also Mushrooms)
03/08/2017 why would blood pressure drop a lot at night? (see also Low Blood Pressure)
03/08/2017 Disinfectants as Emergency Deodorants (see also Lysol)
03/02/2017 Lysol was marketed as "feminine hygiene" in the past (see also Vagisil, Vaginal odor)
03/02/2017 chimpanzees have <0.01% body fat, but the leanest humans are 6-9% body fat (see also abdominal fat)
02/28/2017 how to chose butternut squash (see also winter squash)
02/27/2017 Unique odor 'appears before Alzheimer's disease sets in' (see also memory loss)
02/23/2017 are acai berries still considered a superfood? (see also Acai berries)
02/21/2017 why do neoprene suits keep us warm? (see also Neoprene)
02/18/2017 Are garlic and onions beneficial for our Microbiomes? (see also Garlic)
02/18/2017 larger difference between the two blood pressure numbers (see also Blood pressure)
02/14/2017 tainted cottage cheese (see also Nausea)
02/08/2017 why shouldn't I take antacids with food (see also Antacids)
02/03/2017 A question about bad breath (see also Bad Breath)
02/02/2017 Better alternatives to PPIs? (see also Proton Pump Inhibitors)
02/01/2017 what can you eat wasabi with except sushi? (see also Horseradish)
01/29/2017 are cheap and expensive brand name toothpastes really all that different? (see also Toothpaste)
01/27/2017 How hot is too hot?
01/25/2017 What makes music sound good or bad, happy or sad? (see also Music)
01/22/2017 Most uplifting songs
01/19/2017 Suggestions on how to block out noise? (see also Noise)
01/17/2017 How do you get rid of popcorn smell? (see also Popcorn)
01/14/2017 how often should I change filters in my vacuum to keep air clean? (see also air pollutants)
01/11/2017 How come alcohol triggers hunger? (see also ethanol)
01/07/2017 What are the benefits of triticum vulgare?
01/06/2017 top nutrition authorities change their guidelines on what is a healthy diet? (see also protein food group)
01/05/2017 what makes some foods upset your stomach? (see also indigestion)
01/04/2017 white foam when boiling pre-cooked black-eyed peas?
12/28/2016 what is that slime on mushrooms? (see also mushrooms)
12/24/2016 Should we be scared or excited about CRISPR? (see also gene therapy)
12/19/2016 what is the best over-the-counter diuretic?
12/16/2016 how does blood pressure depend on blood sugar? (see also blood pressure and glucose)
12/14/2016 new remedies for baldness? (see also hair shedding)
12/14/2016 side effects of proton pump inhibitors
12/10/2016 Foods that start from "French" (see also French Food)
12/03/2016 How do you serve nuts? (see also Nuts)
12/03/2016 smelling like meat or beer
12/01/2016 Power of X-rays (see also CT scan)
11/29/2016 night sweats (see also Epstein-Barr virus)
11/27/2016 Throat massage that can help to restore voice in some cases
11/26/2016 cancers caused by viral or bacterial infections (see also infection)
11/23/2016 wax buildup in ears ( (see also aural fullness)
11/20/2016 what do you do if renin is low?
11/20/2016 what if a drug that is supposed to help with something makes that something worse?
11/18/2016 Why Am I Groggy When I Sleep Too Much? (see also sleep)
11/16/2016 To get more juice from a lemon ...
11/14/2016 how do you act normal when speaking to new people? (see also Social Anxiety)
11/10/2016 What is better for cooking: butter or olive oil? (see also Olive Oil)
11/08/2016 is it cheaper to use low gas heat of high gas heat? (see also Gas stove)
11/05/2016 is beclomethasone same as betamethasone? (see also Corticosteroids)
11/02/2016 why do school kids smell like raw bacon? (see also Sweetish odor)
10/31/2016 why are pulled muscles so painful? (see also Pain)
10/28/2016 Why is Chinese food considered healthier than Western food? (see also Chinese Food)
10/27/2016 tingling in the nose after intense workouts (see also strength exercise)
10/23/2016 Can Sugar Cookie Sleigh Ride Holiday Herb Tea increase blood pressure? (see also Milk Thistle)
10/22/2016 what is the reason a guy smells like nail polish remover (see also Acetone, Ethyl Acetate)
10/21/2016 if olive oil is bitter, is it spoiled? (see also Olive oil)
10/19/2016 should I add seaweed to my diet to decrease gas? (see also Seaweed)
10/17/2016 Gut bacteria helps to recover from spinal injury
10/15/2016 Tinnitus fix (see also tinnitus)
10/14/2016 how to quickly lower blood sugar? (see also glucose)
10/13/2016 Is something wrong with my eyes if can't see things right in front of me? (see also visual impairment)
10/10/2016 Why is breathing uncomfortable when conscious of it? (see also Increased breathing)
10/05/2016 best diet for healing ulcers? (see also Gastrointestinal bleeding)
10/05/2016 why prescriptions for distance and reading glasses are so different? (see also Astigmatism)
10/04/2016 Why do we have recurring dreams? (see also Dreams)
09/29/2016 Growing your own food from seeds sold as food (see also seeds)
09/24/2016 chia seeds or flax? (see also seeds)
09/22/2016 is Acetonitrile a hybrid car pollutant?
09/21/2016 Can I split my sleep into chunks? (see also sleep)
09/20/2016 Is Resveratol overrated? (see also Resveratol)
09/16/2016 how do you focus on the task at hand when you have something on your mind? (see also problem solving)
09/14/2016 should I really walk 10K steps a day? (see also walking)
09/13/2016 how to check for anemia without blood draw? (see also hemoglobin)
09/07/2016 cabbage in salad package has black edges (see also cabbage)
09/08/2016 Does Enoxaparin increase blood pressure?
09/07/2016 why do you see strange patterns when you press your eyes? (see also eye pressure)
09/06/2016 smelling sweet from salads? (see also body odor)
09/03/2016 what is that chemical smell you get in your nose when sick? (see also chemical smell)
08/30/2016 are ground flax seeds better than whole? (see also seeds)
08/28/2016 why pain makes some people laugh others cry, moan or yell? (see also pain)
08/25/2016 Why is it so much easier to lose muscle than it is to gain it?
08/23/2016 Lucid dreaming
08/20/2016 Why do some smells stick to surfaces?
08/19/2016 Classic fecal odor
08/18/2016 How do people choose their favorite color? (see also mood)
08/18/2016 are posture wearables really helping?
08/17/2016 white foam on my pickles (see also pickles)
08/13/2016 why do i feel nauseous when I am hungry (see also nausea and feeling hungry)
08/11/2016 is Kañiwa healthier than other grains? (see also Kaniwa)
08/10/2016 tmau
08/09/2016 why do people smell funny after taking some supplements? (see also Body Mint, FOS)
08/06/2016 How does water get transported from the stomach/intestines to blood stream? (see also water)
08/04/2016 congested after whitening gel (see also teeth whitening)
08/02/2016 What's happening when you need to pop your ears? (see also aural fullness)
07/30/2016 Dietary Supplement Ingredients Can Make You Sick (see also dietary supplements)
07/28/2016 Does Lactobacillus reuteri make you fatter? (see also microbes that make us fat and thin)
07/26/2016 why would small amounts of kovaikai affect baby?
07/26/2016 best doctors rating sites internationally? teleconsultations?
07/23/2016 when is it OK to discontinue beta blockers? (see also beta blockers)
07/22/2016 why does organic food spoil faster? (see also organic food)
07/19/2016 fasting for 15 hrs before blood glucose test. Is Coffee or Tea OK? (see also Glucose)
07/18/2016 How can the brain generate such elaborate dreams? (see also Sleep)
07/17/2016 fish smells like acetone (see also Fish)
07/15/2016 asthma from childhood exposure to smog
07/12/2016 How bacteria smell
07/12/2016 can you microwave old glue? (see also Glue)
07/11/2016 banana chips smell like sweaty feet (see also Foot odor)
07/10/2016 can you still use Maple syrup if there are faint mold spots inside the bottle? (see also Maple syrup)
07/08/2016 what is above the abdomen called?
07/07/2016 why is resting heart rate (RHR) different for the four phases of menstrual cycle? (see also Menstruation)
07/03/2016 herbs for anemia? (see also Fenugreek)
07/03/2016 how to choose a watermelon? (see also Watermelon)
06/30/2016 ways to maximize problem solving abilities
06/29/2016 counting sperm at home
06/28/2016 Neck muscle fatigue
06/28/2016 favorite city
06/28/2016 How dangerous is to have hemoglobin at 10?
06/25/2016 Where to find SoBe drinks?
06/25/2016 why is it surprising that millennials hate noise? (see also noise)
06/24/2016 Can antibiotic wipes and soaps kill norovirus? (see also Norovirus)
06/23/2016 fitness tracking for different types of activities
06/20/2016 Is Eincorn safe for celiac disease?
06/19/2016 how to make a warm compress? (see also Compress)
06/18/2016 should I eat plum skins? (see also Plums)
06/18/2016 is animalis probiotic for animals?
06/17/2016 Grandma's recipe for washing dishes (see also Dishwasher Detergent)
06/15/2016 Acetic acid in sweat
06/14/2016 Time to replace my Kettle? (see also Metal cookware)
06/10/2016 best tasting food (see also Food)
06/10/2016 DMB to reduce odor
06/09/2016 salty poop
06/08/2016 Bacillus coagulans
06/05/2016 Why does smoked marijuana smell like skunk? (see also Burnt smell)
06/04/2016 Forest therapy
06/03/2016 why is mood so much affected by music, weather and time of day?
06/03/2016 Why do some people excel under pressure or when angry, and others perform worse?
06/02/2016 can oxytocin pills make me fall in love?
06/01/2016 why do I have tinnitus after eating fatty meals? (read more about tinnitus)
05/31/2016 why are people disturbed by low/high frequency sounds? (read more about sounds)
05/24/2016 plastic chicken
05/24/2016 supplements to lose weight but retain muscle (see also protein supplements)
05/21/2016 Why some never feel like eating and others're hungry all the time? (see also food cravings)
05/20/2016 How to help a friend who is becoming an alcoholic ? (see also alcohol cravings)
05/19/2016 you are what you wear (see also clothing)
05/16/2016 ingestible cosmetics (see also glowing skin)
05/16/2016 alternative drug for heart failure
05/15/2016 why do hackers and search engines want my medical data?
05/14/2016 what causes nausea after stenting?
05/10/2016 Are Sulfur-based Off-flavors in Wine related to pesticides? (see also wine)
05/08/2016 Diastolic and Systolic Blood pressure
05/05/2016 Flossing the Wrong Way
05/05/2016 Phantom cigarette smoke
05/04/2016 yawning to cool the brain
05/09/2016 Will genomics live up to all the hype?
04/29/2016 how to put in eye drops without spilling out (see also discussion under red eyes)
04/26/2016 having metal in your body
04/26/2016 Does citrobacter koseri cause chronic fatigue syndrome?
04/22/2016 Can I wash my eyes with a gentle skin cleanser? (see also red eyes)
04/20/2016 What do you think of this pain-zapping device? (see also abdominal pain)
04/16/2016 Why does it take more effort to walk slower than your normal pace?
04/15/2016 schizophrenia can make the sweat smell of vinegar (see also acidic smell)
04/14/2016 allergy or hypersensitivity to Perindopril (see also blood pressure drugs)
04/14/2016 very thirsty when stressed and anxious
04/13/2016 warning signs of a heart attack: a day or a month in advance?
04/09/2016 ammonia odor after epileptic seizure
04/08/2016 vinegar instead of lime in guacamole
04/08/2016 blood pressure medications without side effects (see also discussion under high blood pressure)
04/07/2016 Life without cavities and dentists (see also discussions under gums)
04/02/2016 What food is good for bacteroidetes?
04/01/2016 Healthiest tacos you ever eaten
03/31/2016 Lactobacillus gasseri vs acidophilus, Bifidobacterium longum vs bifidus
03/30/2016 yellow skin from too much pumpkin
03/27/2016 What yogurts contain Bifidobacterium adolescentis?
3/26/2016 how much exercise is too much? (see also discussion under viral infections)
3/26/2016 Why is it so difficult to share digital medical records?
03/25/2016 where can I buy Abiyuch?
03/25/2016 if eye pressure increases with constipation, how much can it increase when I am lifting weights?
03/24/2016 why smegma and semen smell differently
03/23/2016 Why do itches and infections travel around the body?
03/18/2016 one of the most expensive foods
03/18/2016 pills to measure temperature and activity (see more about physical activity)
03/15/2016 whiskey got smell of phenyl (see more about Whiskey)
03/10/2016 what causes a beer belly? (see also discussion under Jalapeno peppers)
03/08/2016 what foods to eat to have healthy mouth bacteria (see also gum abscess)
03/05/2016 probiotic-laiden food and drinks (check specific probiotics)
03/01/2016 ginger for better hair (more about hair shedding)
03/01/2016 How to dry Ginger and How to Cook Dried Ginger? (more about ginger)
02/29/2016 for more productivity and less procrastination, set a 20 minute timer (more about working)
02/26/2016 Why do we shake heads when we want to stay awake? (more about sleep)
02/24/2016 hobbies with a sense of purpose
02/24/2016 growing avocado from a seed
02/22/2016 choosing a citizen science project or a low-cost hobby
02/20/2016 How to make most of pineapple? (more about pineapples)
02/18/2016 Is Ace K safer than aspartame?
02/17/2016 Right/Left nostril breathing and blood glucose
02/16/2016 What does it mean if meat smells like wet dog?
02/16/2016 Dried cranberries or fresh cranberries? (more under cranberries)
02/14/2016 why does vanilla coconut milk taste like paper? (more about coconut milk)
02/08/2016 How do I know if my air is polluted? if toxic chemicals are sneaking into my body? (more under air)
02/04/2016 How do microbes get into pickles? (more under Pickles)
02/01/2016 Why do my cherry tomatoes burst when ripening?
01/31/2016 Annato could cause IBS but prevent cancer? (more under Annatto)
01/30/2016 Bad posture bad for your health (more under Poor posture)
01/28/2016 Can you poor oil down garbage disposal?
01/28/2016 Any tips for fructose intolerance? (see comments to Fructose)
01/23/2016 Why do I get headache when I am hungry?
01/23/2016 Insects as food (see more discussions under Food)
01/23/2016 How much chocolate should I eat? (see more discussions under Chocolate)
01/18/2016 Folding myself into sleep with good dreams (see also comments for Sleep)
01/18/2016 How to prevent cold/flu from happening?
01/14/2016 Mercury emissions down. is fish less polluted? (see also summary for Mercury)
01/13/2016 air bubble in my ear (see also summary for Aural Fullness)
01/13/2016 best soap or body wash to fight odor? (see also summary for body odor and Neutrogena body wash )
01/11/2016 how many roller coaster rides per day? (see also summary for Roller Coaster)
01/09/2016 gut bacteria and cancer (see also comments on bifidobacteria)
01/08/2016 rubber chicken (see also comments on chicken breast)
01/07/2016 eating food off the floor is now considered good for your microbiome
01/06/2016 radishes and barnyard smell (see also summaries for body odor and brettanomyces)
01/06/2016 How to increase lactobacillus in my microbiome?
01/04/2016 Where do I find old discussions and new updates about body odor? (see also comments for body odor)
01/02/2016 Black-eyed peas, lentils and other New Year's superstitions
01/01/2016 How are you doing so far with your 2016 resolutions?
12/31/2015 Why does cold begin with sore throat (see also summary for sore throat)
12/29/2015 How to maintain eye contact and how long is too long (see also summary for socializing)
12/27/2015 winter vomiting disease (see also norovirus summary)
12/24/2015 Are there any devices that tell me what I recently ate? (see also food entry)
12/23/2015 How to improve your problem solving skills? (see also problem solving summary)
12/21/2015 Which uric acid meter do you recommend?
12/19/2015 Would not Sarlacc's slow digestion cause enough discomfort?
12/14/2015 How do I know if I've been exposed to mold? what gets from the air into my body?
12/13/2015 what do old people smell like?
12/13/2015 Is it true that only psychotic, mentally imbalanced experience spontaneous orgasms?
12/13/2015 Where can I find information about health effects of spegazzinia mold?
12/13/2015 Does fodmap diet really work?
12/7/2015 Is powdered food healthy or harmful?
12/1/2015 Hacking body microbes
11/23/2015 Healing powers of Music
11/17/2015 How to make green tea less boring but still healthy?
11/15/2015 Best apples for apple pie? Digestion-friendly recipes?
11/10/2015 Humor as a diagnostic device
11/6/2015 wearable gadgets for safety as opposed to awkward intrusiveness
11/3/2015 How to measure an Aura?
10/27/2015 If I ate one small sausage today, how much did I increase my cancer risk?
10/24/2015 why does your stomach gurgle and rumble?
10/20/2015 Rethinking the Future of Food
10/18/2015 Is telemedicine really picking up?
10/14/2015 Harmful chemicals in personal care products
10/9/2015 Latest sports wearables
10/5/2015 Red tea - a tonic for high blood pressure or the killer?
10/2/2015 social aura
9/30/2015 steel cut oatmeal for IBS?
9/29/2015 Lactose Intolerance or Sensitivity? Can it be cured?
9/27/2015 obsessions and compulsions
9/25/2015 Are home cholesterol tests totally useless?
9/24/2015 Ringing in the ears and tech devices
9/23/2015 sore throat after eating greek style yogurt
9/22/2015 Probiotics for allergies
9/21/2015 The Air We Breathe Indoors is Becoming More Polluted. How to clean it up?
9/20/2015 What is happening in my body when I am running out of patience?
9/18/2015 Why these ants smell like blue cheese and rotting coconuts
9/18/2015 Best glucometers?
9/17/2015 Paxil no longer safe?
9/15/2015 Bacteria to smell good?
9/14/2015 Do we really NOT need wisdom teeth?
9/14/2015 Bubonic Plague cases on the rise, Are you afraid?
9/13/2015 Happy Grandparents day!
9/12/2015 What is your favorite breakfast?
9/12/2015 what to eat for breakfast yogurt or rice snaps?
9/12/2015 Herb Rhodiola rosea (golden root) protects against viruses
9/11/2015 The Germiest things you touch - airplane, stores, and other public places
9/11/2015 Unpeeled Apple a day: slows aging of your muscles (see also summary for Apple)
9/10/2015 Healthy real world wearable gaming
9/9/2015 How to ask a question as Anonymous?
9/8/2015 How do I know if my cramps are abnormal? If they are bad?
9/7/2015 stretching to prevent a Charley Horse ride (cramps/spasms)
9/6/2015 Rice: cheap and healthy
9/5/2015 Asparagus: stinky pee but healthy heart
9/5/2015 Is there a probiotic with Akkermansia muciniphila? (see also summary for Akkermansia)
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