The body is crawling with microbes that have evolved with the person, depending on the innate metabolism, history of infections, microbiome swaps, diet and lifestyle.
The body's ecosystem of microorganisms can increase the risk for dangerous diseases for which we have unreserved levels of sympathy. It can also lead to unlikable conditions such as unpredictable and embarrassing outbursts of odor emitting through the pores - odor so bad it ruins social lives and careers.

Our community-led clinical trial was the first study attempting to find what is in common among individuals suffering from odor unexplained by known medical conditions such as TMAU.
We have demonstrated that symptoms described by participants are real - as they correlate with a number of laboratory tests. We have also proposed that there are at least two groups of participants with different genetics/medical histories (hence different microbiomes) that may require different types of treatments.
Unfortunately publishing these results is very difficult - with no funding to cover publication fees and no "sex appeal" to get support from peers. (The article was submitted to the Journal of Participatory Medicine in February, but peer-reviewers still have not returned their reviews)
The preprint is now available at bioRxiv and raw results at Mendeley. Study results will be also available on the clinical trials site.
We hope that the scientific community will look into our findings and support the underserved by their attention. Any comments or suggestions would be of great help!