“Anno bisesto, anno funesto” (leap year, gloomy year), say Italians. “Leap year was ne’er a good sheep year.” agrees an old Scottish proverb. "Високосный год "Урожай" соберет" (leap year will gather the "Harvest") warns a Russian saying implying that there will be plenty of disasters - calamities, catastrophes and cataclysms. But usually there are not.
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Can we recognize if people around us are stressed, anxious or fearful without observing their facial expressions, body language and actions or hearing their voice and messages? What about our own stress - assuming we don't rely on heart rate, blood pressure, dry throat, sweating, drops or surges in energy? Yes, we can - by using our nose - as humans, too, recognize and transmit their emotions through chemical senses ... IBS can increase anxiety and depression and dramatically reduce the quality of life, more than any other digestive disorder. It affects school, work and life, putting the sufferers at risk for social isolation. ... The environment plays a significant role in our health. We are exposed to multiple physical, chemical and biological challenges, including information - like news and gossip stories related to health and wellness. How exactly is it affecting us?... If you suffer from IBS, chances are you're very considerate of others and even possibly an anxious "catastrophizer." It was repeatedly concluded based on magnetic resonance imaging of the brain and psychological questionnaires - for students and non-students, Easterners and Westerners, right-handed and left-handed individuals. |